Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Kol Dodi Dofek at Fifty

A new trend is to create dicussion groups upon the anniversary of a particular seminal essay by Rav Soloveitchik. Now Tradition magazine have published their latest journal on (Hat-tip Hirhurim) Kol Dodi Dofek - Fifty Years Later!

Add this to ATID's discussion of Lonely Man of Faith.

And this fascinating discussion and debate of Confrontation at 40!

I am strongly opposed to asking the question, in relation to every contemporary issue, of "What might the Rav have said?" The Rav was the first person to demand that we rethink and reevaluate every new challenge. He would have loathed the arguing over his views and the lame following of his every action or statement.

And yet, I do believe that these discussions are positive and fruitful. Obviously Kol Dodi Dofek was bold in its theological discussion of Shoah and the State of Israel hence the need to re-evaluate as events and perspectives have changed. Likewise, Confrontation dealt with inter-religious dialogue. The online symposium attempts to ask the question to what degree Rav Soloveitchik's ideas are still current and relevant.

I look forward then to reading the latest discussion in Tradition.

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