Sunday, February 11, 2007

"Only in Israel!"

I teach a class in Zionism at Emuna VeOmanut, an exciting new "Art and Judaism" One Year Program in Jerusalem. The class I teach is a thick mix of of Israeli History, Current Events, Thorny Issues in Contemporary Israel, Religious Zionism, Jewish Sources on Eretz Yisrael. This year I have begun to experiment with some Israeli poetry and popular music as well!

Well, from the beginning of the teaching year, every few weeks we have an "Only in Israel" session when students can share the stories that would only ever happen here. I began these sessions because from past experience, students away from home comforts living in dorm conditions can sometimes spend quite some time complaining about Israelis and Israel, and this was a great way to bring out the positive sides of Israel.

I just read on Treppenwitz a priceless, moving story that really can join this genre. Here is the link. Enjoy!

1 comment:

treppenwitz said...

Hi Alex... thanks so much for the mention (and the link). I too love stories like this and share them whenever I can.